We were anxious to get to the Pine River and see how the flood in June changed it. We had been reading on the internet that it was really different, and was actually closed to canoes and kayakers for several weeks. It really has changed in many areas! There are many more rapid areas, lots & lots of logjams, and the twin boulders that were near the end of the run at Low Bridge are missing? Moved? Or just underwater & sand and we can't see them. If you've done the Pine you will remember these boulders that you had to go between. They were one of the rivers major challenges. There are many more challenges since the flooding, but it is still passable, and lots of fun! The trip from Peterson Bridge to Low Bridge took us approx. 3.25 hours. What great day! Click
here to see some great photos of the Pine River, and some of its logjams & boulders.
More on the Pine River
There was a flood on the Pine river in June, I had been reading about it on the internet. The reported rain in Cadillac Michigan was 11 inches the day of the flood, Some reports are over 20 inches of rain in the Pine River Valley .The normal flow of water is 240 cubic feet per second , the Flow in June went to 2800 cubic feet per second that is over 10 times more water flowing. That was a big flood. They say it has not flooded like that in the past 100 years since they begin keeping records. It change the river forever, Rerouted some river bends, built up new sand bars and new gravel bars, Log jams like you cant believe until you see them . The river bottom was mostly gravel and rocks now it there is lot of sand.The river water is still not clear like before and is cloudy from sand and silt and it has not rained there in 6 weeks.
You can see where some land slides happened 50 feet high on some banks that are over 100 feet high. One slide looks like it must have dammed and closed the river for a while until it then burst open and changed the rivers course
There are thousands of new trees down some in the river and some washed way back on shore during the high water.. there are lot of the banks that washed away. It is really awesome to see.
You can see grass and brush washed into tree branches 6 to 8 foot off the water level today.
the power of nature is really something.
I hope you can kayak and check out the river with us soon
You can check out some pictures on our blog http://tuffalyskidder.blogspot.com/
King Salmon Report http://baldwincreeklodge.blogspot.com:80/
Cabin Report
Here is the latest fishing report from Captain Mike Batcke. He says that the King salmon are moving in.
Should be a good year for salmon fishing.
We came home from the Cabin Yesterday (Thursday ) Had a good time , Cut the grass, at the cabin, Pole Barn and lake. Cleaned up the trails and some blow down trees around the pole barn . Split some Fire wood, Went for some pontoon boat rides around Wolf Lake. , We Kayaked around Wolf Lake when it was just about dark when the water was as smooth as glass, it was really something neat to do. We kayaked down the Pine River From Peterson Bridge to Low Bridge ( about 3 1/2 hours ). Peterson Bridge is the Bridge On Hwy 37 over the Pine River, 10 miles North of Wolf Lake.
Buddy went swimming several times each day, His favorite thing to do is run full speed to the lake and jump right in
The leaves are just showing the first signs of fall change, Probably from the very dry weather. They have had no rain in the month of Aug. and very little in July. It was raining when we left Thursday ,. They need the rain .
We had a great time. Our Kidder's Cabin sign was missing when we got there. That was our special sign that Dad and Leo made In 1996. We just re- finished it last year . It was fastened good in between the fence rails ,some one removed 6 - 21/2 inch screws to take it down . I guess they thought they needed that sign badly .
We will make another one and get it hung back up soon.
Seen deer , turkeys, and lots of fish. Visited the neighbors and had some camp fires.
Tuff Kidder
20117 County Road 2
Bristol In 46507
Cell 574-340-9803
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