Monday, October 17, 2011

A years worth of updates!

Wow. I can't believe how I've neglected our blog! So many things have happened over the past year & a half! I'll start with the most important..everyone in our immediate family is well! We are blessed! Our grandchildren are growing up strong & smart, we love them all & are very proud of them. It's amazing to see their indivivuality & personalities develop as they grow.
Tuff and I have not spent much time at Kidders cabin lately, but we're going to change that! We are making our plans to head north in the next week or so. It will be a long awaited & well deserved break! I have left my managers position at Lowe's after 3 years. It was a great company to work for, but after having hip replacement surgery last November, I realized that it was just to physically draining. What to do next? Well, Tuff and I wanted to try our hand at selling fresh local produce, and started up "Kidders Fresh Produce". (you can find us on facebook). We studied & researched & took a chunk of our savings & the rest of the summer to set up & sell tomatoes, sweet corn, peppers, and everything else under the sun, ending this month with mums, pumpkins, gourds, squash, etc...we did well! We worked 11 hour days and every weekend, but were satisfied with the results. We met many new friends and earned a regular customer base. We now know that we can do this, and do it well!
Unfortunately, the people we were in a lot rental agreement with decided that they wanted to raise our lot rent an ADDITIONAL $900.00. A month! Wow. Of course, we cannot afford this. Maybe this was a sign that we could not trust these people, and to get away, FAST! But, we have several months to locate another spot if we decide to continue. It was a great learning experience, and mostly fun! We will take down our stand today and head north soon!! Can't wait! Alys.